Educational Equity

The resources on this page have been compiled to help schools address:

Equity  |  Achievement gaps  | Opportunity gaps  |  Extracurricular involvement  |  Parental engagement

Featured Resources

Courageous Conversations – The Achievement Gap

Dr. Keith Bell differentiates between achievement and growth and talks candidly about a term we all hear – ‘the achievement gap’. In this episode of Courageous Conversations, Dr. Bell shares how parents can advocate for our children’s growth.

Educator Summit – Equity Panel Discussion

In the second installment of our equity panel, featuring global educational thought leaders, strategies for creating more equitable student experiences and teacher practices are shared. This resource should be viewed by your equity committee or leadership team in order to shape future professional learning opportunities for your staff.

Harbor Episode – Equity vs Equality

In this episode of The Harbor by Jostens, differentiation between the terms equity and equality are explained. Show this episode to students in the classroom and utilize the accompanying critical discussion guide to begin dialogue for creating a stronger, more unified community.

Exclusive Educational Equity Resources

To access any of the resources listed below, please create and sign into your customer account. To create an account, click here or contact your Jostens representative.


See All Episodes

Diversity and Inclusion – Video-based lesson with discussion prompts providing suggestions for breaking down barriers and finding commonalities with others

Tolerance and Acceptance – Video-based lesson with discussion prompts depicting students from various backgrounds sharing experiences of intolerance

Judgement – Video-based lesson with discussion prompts addressing the topics of judgement and prejudice both in and outside of the classroom

Bias – Video-based lesson with discussion prompts challenging students to examine their internal biases

 Activism – Video-based lesson with discussion prompts offering suggestions for how to begin making a difference for issues dear to your heart

Privilege – Video-based lesson with discussion prompts demonstrating how privilege impacts opportunities

Aaron Davis – Video-based lesson with discussion prompts expanding the thought that diversity and tolerance are not only race issues but are human issues


Relationships – Dr. Farah Ortega-Choate shares the impact prioritizing relationships has had on her as educator and as a person.

Achievement Gap – In this episode of Courageous Conversations, Dr. Bell shares how parents can advocate for our children’s growth.

Parental Involvement – In this episode of Courageous Conversations, Julie shares how parental involvement diminishes in middle and high school grades and provides easy ways parents can respect their child’s growing independence and autonomy without backing out of their educational experience.


Inclusivity and Student Leadership – Podcast episode with student guests sharing how young leaders can engage more of their peers

Finding Your Voice – Podcast episode with student guest discussing how young people can give power to their voice despite their age

Activism – Podcast episode with student guest sharing ways youth can push for progress and positive change

Immigration – Podcast episode with student guest sharing a personal experience being an immigrant


See All Lessons

Giving Voice – A classroom lesson plan exploring the concepts of marginalization, privilege, and providing voice

Tolerance vs Inclusion vs Belonging – A classroom lesson plan discussing bias, roots of intolerance, and ways to expand one’s perspective

Empathy vs Sympathy – A classroom lesson plan differentiating between empathy and sympathy for the experiences of others

Perception and Perspective – A classroom lesson plan exploring the relationship between perception and perspective and how each applies to how we view and treat others

Representation –  A classroom lesson plan challenging leaders to evaluate the percentage of student body with voice on your campus

School Group Identification – A classroom lesson plan analyzing which groups on your campus are provided the  most attention and support


RenTalk – Dr. Farah Meadows – Video on Demand providing personal testimony for overcoming stereotypes and inequities

Webinar – Educational Equity – Video on Demand posing reflective questions to help identify areas for equity focus

Jostens Renaissance Virtual Conference Breakout – A Seat at the Table – Video on Demand with insights on what it means to ‘give voice’

Jostens Renaissance Virtual Conference Breakout – Different, Not Less – Video on Demand focused on equity for students with disabilities

Jostens Renaissance Virtual Conference Breakout – Addressing Gaps – Video on Demand sharing best practices for closing data gaps

Jostens Renaissance Virtual Conference Breakout – Message of Support –  Video on Demand sharing a message of support for students of color

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