School Culture Challenges

Win up to $500 for your school!

We’ve selected one culture-and-climate boosting activity each month that schools can do to win $500! The activities are fun, easy and effective. It’s a win-win!

All Jostens customers are invited to enter the School Culture Challenges: simply do a challenge, take photos or a video of it happening, and enter the sweepstakes by completing the required information in each form. And yes – you CAN enter the sweepstakes every month of the school year if you want!


Back to School

Welcoming Activities

The first day and week of school are an opportunity to make a strong, positive first impression! Seize the chance to help everyone feel supported, appreciated and excited to be back in the building with one another.


High Five Fridays

This challenge is as simple as it gets. Greet students with high fives as they enter the school building in the morning between classes. A single school leader can give all the high fives, but is even more fun if a group of people participate. Consider playing music to amp up the vibe.


Gratitude Notes

Select a day and class period when every person in your school, from students to Staffulty, can write a note to someone in the school they appreciate. The notes can go to anyone in the school – peer-to-peer, student-to-teacher, or teacher-to-student. Some of our favorite ideas for sharing gratitude are the Gratitude WallGratitude GramsPositivity GramsSweet Notes of Appreciation, and What Makes Them a Gift!


Brain Breaks

Encourage relationships and refresh by doing 60-second Brain Breaks in the classroom once each week. These Brain Breaks are a collection of short teambuilders that can be selected by the educator or students.


Warm Beverage Station

You may be half way through the year, but you still have time to warm the hearts of your hardworking Staffulty™ (Staff + Faculty) by surprising them with a special array of beverages and all the fixings!


“I’m Here for It” Rewards

Demonstrate to students that showing up matters! An affordable reward can make an ongoing impact, especially in schools that actively encourage healthy relationships between students and Staffulty


Compliment Clothespins

Recognize character strengths in students by having adults give Compliment Clothespins to students. Students can then pay it forward when they see another student display the admirable trait.


Honorary Diplomas

Recognize Staffulty who made a difference to graduating seniors by having the senior present a Honorary Diploma certificate to them while dressed in their cap and gown. This touching tradition is a Renaissance favorite.

End of Year

Senior Walk

Recognize seniors and reinforce graduation as a Big Darn Deal by organizing a parade of seniors, decked out in caps and gowns, down school halls. This Senior Walk truly tugs on the heartstrings!

Get even more recognition!

The Renaissance School of Distinction Award celebrates schools that help teachers and students love Mondays by integrating the Renaissance Results Formula™ into their culture. By doing one Renaissance Playbook activity each month (like the ones from the sweepstakes above!), you become eligible to be recognized as a Silver Tier Jostens Renaissance School of Distinction.

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