How to Be a Rock Star Educator

Every single educator on the planet entered the profession because they believed that they could make a positive impact on the lives of the students they serve. But, how do you take your game to the next level? This episode provides ideas on how to become the best version of you that you can possibly be.

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Extend this topic

The resources below can be used to expand the work around this topic over the course of several meetings or an entire school year.

  • Courageous Conversations - Engaging Students with Jonathan Alsheimer
  • Courageous Conversations - Seeking Growth
  • Technology and Teaching with Elizabeth King
  • Courageous Conversations - Building Your Brand with Steve Bollar
  • Courageous Conversations - Parental Involvement with Julie Diaz
  • Courageous Conversations - Relationships with Dr. Farah Ortega-Choate
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