
Jostens Philosophy: Recognition

Respect + Recognize + Reward + Reinforce + Relationships = Results™

When you visit a Jostens Renaissance school, one of the things that stands out is how the students feel. They feel included. Noticed. And much of that is driven by the second and third Rs in the Renaissance formula: Recognition and Reward.

Take a minute to think about the things that are currently being recognized and rewarded at your institution.

At most schools, there are at least some important accomplishments that are regularly celebrated. But frequently, large swaths of students get missed. Students who exemplify different but equally desirable values at their school, but whose conduct and achievements don’t fit into an existing reward programs. Renaissance schools have a broad and deep recognition system, centered around academics and character development. When implemented, such systems go a long way towards building a positive overall learning environment.


Recognizing and Rewarding Academic Success

When it comes to academics, most schools focus their recognition practices on the top 10% of students. AKA, those with the highest GPAs and those completing advanced level classwork. Of course, the hard work of these students deserves to be recognized! But a Renaissance school goes even further.

Renaissance schools believe that ALL students deserve recognition for marked improvement and success. Think, for example, about a student who has improved from a 1.9 GPA in one marking period to a 2.4 in the next. That’s an enormous improvement! But in many schools, it’s an achievement that would go entirely unnoticed. In a Renaissance school, such admirable effort is not only noticed, but celebrated and rewarded!

The reason for putting so much energy into recognizing academic success in various forms is simple. You want to reward the type of behavior you want to see repeated. And we’re sure every educator in the world can agree; improved academic performance is something to celebrate!

Recognizing and Rewarding Character Development

In addition to academic performance, character and behavior are at the core of a healthy learning environment. As such, Renaissance also recognizes students exemplifying these values.

Consider the students in your school that bring a positive attitude and sincere effort every day. Most educators would agree, these students are shining examples of behaviors a school should respect and value. Renaissance says, recognize them for it!

Then there are students that have perfect attendance or show substantial improvements in their attendance and discipline over time. These behaviors also require sincere, focused effort, and are deserving of recognition. Make it clear that their hard work is noticed, and that it’s appreciated for the role it plays in making your school a better place!

The Jostens Renaissance Results Formula™

In the end, when deciding what to recognize and reward in your school, remember the Renaissance Results Formula™ . First, identify what your school Respects and values most. Then, whatever those qualities are, develop systems to Recognize and Reward students for living those qualities every day.




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