Araya Green

National Renaissance Student of The Month: January – Araya Green

This month’s National Renaissance Student of the Month is Araya Green from Marshall County High School in Lewisburg, TN. Nominator Vanessa Hitchcock Sweeney wrote:

When Araya was elected as Student Body President last spring, it was clear that she was going to accomplish amazing things. At the Jostens Renaissance Conference in Dallas, she overcame her fears and performed “Wagon Wheel” on stage with PC and Friends. Her confidence, leadership, and influence grew from that moment on stage. When we returned from the trip, she was ready to make MCHS the best, and she has worked tirelessly since to improve the school culture and climate. If there is a dress up day, you can bet she will be found going all out!  She was selected by our faculty and staff as Most Spirited during Homecoming Week. During our school food drive for our local non-profit, she made it her mission to break school records and meet the challenge set by the non-profit’s director. Our school collected over 4,033 food items in 3 days under her leadership. In addition to being in our Student Council and running various events from Renaissance Rallies and Homecoming to Food Drives and Campus Cleanup, Araya can be found cheering on the sidelines for football and basketball and singing in our concert choir. Araya is an inspiration and wonderful example to all those around her. Much of her work to improve MCHS is completed behind the scenes, but it does not go unnoticed.  As her advisor, I’m so incredibly proud of her.

How long have you been involved with Renaissance?

I have been involved with Renaissance for four years now attending virtual workshops, and the Jostens Renaissance Global Conference!

What’s a favorite Renaissance moment for you?

Singing on stage this past summer in Dallas, TX at the Renaissance conference!

How has Renaissance impacted your school’s culture?

Renaissance has brought so much life into our school! It enhances the atmosphere not only with all of the fun positives it brings such as rewards and incentives, but also with letting students know that we see them and that we care.

How has Renaissance affected you personally?

Renaissance has taught me to be a better leader, and taught me how my actions affect those around me. It helps me focus in on being one of the positives in the school when things aren’t as joyous, and to really work on making good relationships with my peers.

What advice would you give to someone just starting with Renaissance?

Have fun! It’s meant to be a good thing and a learning experience, so make the most of it that you can!



Araya will receive a water bottle and a sticker in recognition of her achievement.

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