Part of the Virtual Culture and Climate Series – Spring 2020

Featuring an interview with school culture expert Phil Boyte in a Facebook Live presentation on May 11, 2020.


Renaissance Monthly Newsletter – If you’re not receiving this national newsletter from September through May, visit and add your email address at the bottom of the page. We’re adding a June edition this year, with so much going on and great ideas to share. The newsletter features profiles on our National Student of the Month and National Staffulty Member of the Month, articles written by our Renaissance Coaches, Harbor and other resource updates, and more. Nominate someone you know for Student or Staffulty of the Month by this Wednesday (5/13/20) – someone who’s been making the most of remote learning would be a great choice, or someone who was rocking it in the schoolhouse before March.

Swag – Thanks to James Adkins for Rajah Renaissance and Mark Brown for Be Who You Is swag we’re wearing this week.

 Next Monday: Mental Health Focus – Guests Mark Brown, Dwight Carter (check out his RenTalk at JRNC 2019 here) and Kim Karr will share their stories and perspectives around mental health. This topic is more timely than ever, but people are afraid to talk about it. We’re all struggling in some way, and it’s great to have people willing to share their stories and erase the stigma around mental health. Tune in next Monday at 12:00 EST.

Special Guest: Phil Boyte

Phil is the author of the book “School Culture by Design” and describes himself as an encourager of the encouragers, and person willing to kick people in the “would but” to get them motivated to live out a positive school culture.

Watch the video to see Phil’s responses to these questions and more:

  • How can we create a positive atmosphere in a school?
  • What’s the difference between culture and climate?
  • How can you describe a school’s culture based on what you see?
  • Why do teachers often choose to operate in silos, and how can we encourage them to leave them and work collaboratively?
  • What advice do you have for teachers working to create a positive culture in the classroom?
  • We in education have an opportunity to pivot this year. What would you like to see change?
  • How can we ensure our positive culture efforts continue when a leader moves on to another job?
  • Who fills your cup?
  • What do you say to teachers who are struggling with remote learning?

Book and Podcast – Check out for details on a school culture workshop in June.

Coming Next

Graduation Friday: Join us this Friday at 12:00 Eastern for more creative ideas for graduation and ways to recognize the Class of 2020.

How are you continuing to cultivate your school culture? Email your ideas to or


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